Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
Madeira Island - Portugal
Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Permaculture Courses by the New School Permaculture

The New School Permaculture is a non formal school with the vision to create harmonious social and ecological learning environments.

Our Mission is to focus our energy on researching and developing 

sustainable educational methods to inspire active elements of change in this world.

The intention with our courses is to empower our students so that 

they become more connected with their dreams and passions and 

more aware about how to create beneficial connections that will 

contribute to our local and global dreams.

All courses are taught by Helder Valente and by the New School Permaculture team and most of them are at Atlantis Food Forest .

PDC - Permaculture Design Course

The PDC is based on the ethics and principles of Permaculture: earth care, people care and fair share, providing practical solutions to the global crises we are currently facing.

Permaculture is a sustainable design system that provides for human needs while having positive effects on the surrounding environment. 

The subjects covered during the PDC include:

The ethics and principles of Permaculture

Learning strategies

Educational Methods

Reading the landscape

Pattern in design


Water preservation

Forest and trees

Soils building

Buildings and natural construction

Community development


Alternative economies


Past courses:


                                    To know more about the PDC click HERE

For 2017 

FFC - Food Forest Course

On the FFC you will learn about forest gardening and how to develop and maintain a food forest. 

The concepts that you will learn can applyed on any other climate of the world.

The subjects covered during the FFC include:

Agro ecology

Food Forest creation and management

How to combine fruits and veggies

Plants and tres species

How, when and where to plant

Climate zones

Social forests

To know more about the FFC click HERE

For 2016 we will have a FFC at Atlantis Food Forest - Spain

PSC - Permaculture Social Course

The SPC is designed to be useful to anyone who interacts with others. So unless you are a hermit, that´s you! 

You will learn how to design and take care for ourselves, our communities and the planet.

The subjects covered during the PSC include:

Positive communication

Intentional communities

Social organisation

Conflict resolution

Project management

Decision making

Power of celebration

Alternative economies

New School Education

                                   To know more about the PSC click HERE

For 2017 we will have 1 PSC in Azores



PTC - Permaculture Teacher  Course

In TPC you will learn about what are the main patterns in education and how to manage them in a way that the students get empowered. 

How to design a lesson and a classroom, how to develop a course, 

promotion and preparations, hosting and celebration. 

How to teach a PDC or any other course of any kind and how to make  a living out of it, supporting the needs of nature and of people. 

The subjects covered during the PTC include:

Class vision

Learning styles

Schools social systems

Learning strategies

Education Methods

Social pattern in Design


PDC and courses content 

To know more about the PTC click HERE

For 2017 we will have a PTC on Tenerife - Spain

Permaculture Teacher Course 16 to 20 July 2017

PIV - Permaculture Island Visits

To know more about the PIV click HERE

For 2017 we will have PIV starting at Atlantis Food Forest.

Permaculture Island Visits  13 to 17 July

Permaculture Island Visits  16 to 17 October


To know more about our activities:


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Permaculture is to create paradise on earth starting at the kitchen garden

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(2) Uganda (2) uk (21) Urban (5) Urbana (2) USA (12) vananda shiva (1) Vandana Shiva (2) Vermicomposto / Worm compost (4) Vida (1) voluntariado (1) volunteer (1) war (2) What is Permaculture? (1) wild (1) Woman (1) work (1) workshop (2) youth (1) zimbabwe (1) zoning (1)
