Vila Nova de Mil Fontes - Portugal
13 Jully – 24 Jully 2013
O que é a Permacultura?
A permacultura é uma ciência de desin que se baseia na observação da Natureza e usa essa informação para criar ambientes humanos e naturais equilibrados e abundantes.
What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a sustainable design system that provides for human needs while having positive effects on the surrounding environment. It is based on the ethics of earth care, people care and fair share, and provides practical solutions to the global crises we are currently facing.
Curso de design de permaculture
em português com tradução e qye está adaptado ao clima mediterrânico com Helder Valente,
diplomado pela associação inglesa em design aplicado de permacultura.
Esta formação terá a participação de como co-facilitadores o Ruka e a Karen Mckee
Neste curso de 12 dias, vais viver experiência do processo de design aplicado à educação da permacultura.
curso é conhecido por ser o curso de lançamento do permacultor no
sentido duma maior profundidade nesta ciência de design e no pensamento
sistemico, para uma maior compreenção de como criar ligações para
alcançar a sustentabilidade
Um curso a não perder para quem procura a auto-suficiência.
Vem conhecer-nos na costa vicentina.
Conteudos do curso:
-Estratégias de aprendisagem
-Ferramentas de ensino
-Interrrelações sociais
-História da Permacultura
-Eticas e principios
-Leitura da paisagem
-Climas mundiais
-Padrões naturais
-Design passo a passo
-Fluxos de energia
- Leitura de mapas
-Sucessão natural
-Preservação e enrriquecimento de solos
-Estratégias de conservação de água
-Recursos florestais
-Florestas comestiveis
-Energias alternativas
-Comunidades sustentáveis
-Cidades de transição
-Mudança de paradigma
e muito...muito mais...
Helder Valente
Karen Mckee
Sérgio Marachim
Carmen Marachim
Donativo aconselhado
350 até fim de junho
400 depois de julho
Todas as despesas incluidas
Donativo aconselhado
350 até fim de junho
400 depois de julho
Todas as despesas incluidas
Who is the Permaculture Design Course for?
is for EVERYONE, regardless of their education, background, or previous
experience...the New School Permaculture PDC is centered in the needs
of the student.
Permaculture is NOT just about trees, or just about gardening! You don’t
need loads of land to practice it and it’s a design method that can be
applied to all social systems... your house, your garden, your webstite
or your community...its a design science the works with nature.
your plans for the future, the Permaculture Design Course will give you
the perspective and tools required to find positive solutions towards a
sustainable life....that creates abundance for all organisms and
natural systems.
This is an intensive course, where we will concentrate fully on the
permaculture immersion for the whole nine days. You’ll receive the full
72 hours teaching plus practical sessions, but we’ll be working hard as a
community! It’s ideal for those who prefer a more intense experience..
The course follows a 72 hour set syllabus and leads to the
internationally recognised Permaculture Design Certificate.
Taught by Helder Valente with translation to English . Helder speaks fluent Portuguese, so
please don’t worry about translation for troubling words or ideas.
Helder studied permaculture with Bill Mollison and now teaches all over
the world, he started in 2009 teaching permaculture to students at the
agriculture university and since then learning and teaching on many
different climates.Wile living in the city he dedicated 3 years on
developing a urban permaculture project "A toca do Rebento"
in the center of Lisbon. thats how it all many of the
permaculture permaculture Helder never stoped and this last months spent
his time working with Quechua farmers in the Andes and designing
projects in the Amazon jungle.
You can see more about Helder click here.
São Luis em Transição are your hosts here at Vila Nova de Mil Fontes.
The subjects covered during this Permaculture Design Course include:
The ethics and principles of Permaculture
Learning strategies
Pattern in design
Water in the landscape
Forests and trees
The importance of Soils
Buildings and structures
Formal / informal economies
Community development
Helder Valente
Karen Mckee
Sérgio Marachim
Carmen Marachim
The course includes a combination of classroom and practical sessions and culminates in a design workshop.
Prices and Payment
The total cost of this Permaculture Design Course with food and acomodation and all the sessions of the course is 350 till 31 of June and 400 after 1 Jully.
The price includes:
Permaculture course tuition, practical sessions and certificate.
Camping landscape
.Educational material
Washing facilities.
Vegetarian meals.
Places are limited. Email us at to reserve your place 967425590 (mobile).