Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
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Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Receita bem simples para fazer sabão

Ingredientes e como fazer:

1 garrafa pet de 2 litros

1 funil

1 litro de óleo (reciclar)

200 ml. de água

240 ml de soda (dissolver em um pouco de agua - 

tirar dos 200 ml)


Coloque na garrafa nesta ordem: 

óleo, água e soda.

tampe a garrafa e balance por uns 5 minutos.

Espere secar, retire da garrafa (cortando a garrafa 

c/tesoura).O tempo de secagem depende do lugar, das medidas dos ingredientes, da qualidade da soda, + ou - de 10 horas a 2 dias.

com uma faca cortar os pedaços. 

Não deixe endurecer muito para cortar, senão ele 

quebra. Como eu queria o formato de ovo de galinha, 

não coloquei na garrafa, usei uma forma de plástico.
Fazendo na garrafa os pedaços ficam grandes para meu uso,estão resolvi fazer menor.
A espuma é uma maravilha, limpa realmente as roupas e tira a gordura das louças e talheres e dá brilho. Gostei!

Colecting the Agar Agar algae from the beach

Today we went to the beach in S Miguel Island, Azores with a local guide looking for the traditionaly used Agar Agar algae Fucus spinosus (Gelidium corneum)

Agar is a Polysaccharide that solidifies almost anything that is liquid. This gelatinous substance is derived from seaweeds of the Rhodophyceae class. It is therefore used as a thickener and also for its water-holding capacity. It was chiefly used as an ingredient in deserts throughout Japan, but now the most important worldwide use of agar is as a gelatin-like medium for growing organisms in scientific and medical studies.

Agar Agar

Permacredits - The local currency for the global permaculture movement.

Permacredits - The local currency for the global permaculture movement.

Permacredits are the first true asset-backed cryptocurrency on the market. They are powered by the surplus profit-sharing of Eco Developments, Permaculture institutions, and members in our network. When you buy Permacredits you are buying a membership in a global network of Eco resorts, Sustainable living spaces, Permaculture farms, Retreat centers, Eco Developments, Permaculture Design Schools, Apps, and more. These credits can be used at any of our network member locations for goods and services as well as be traded on the open market as an appreciating crypto currency asset class. 

Our goal is to 100's of millions of dollars worth of profitable dynamic permaculture based living environments and businesses within the next five years. These triple bottom line businesses and futuristic high end dwellings encompass all the amenities of modern living set in inspiring permaculture systems who's triple bottom line is Profits, People, and Planet...and you get fresh produce!

Our development projects are hand picked by you, the members holding CREDITS, and our Permaculture Council to ensure their standards, low impact, and profitability. They must meet permaculture, and in many cases biodynamic, growing standards. They must rejuvenate the soil, take care of the people involved, and they must produce ridiculous profits. Join our team and help develop the world of Permaculture and healthy living.

Graham Bell Food Forest Garden - Scotland

 It was really special to have some time with Graham on his amazing food forest garden, one of the best examples ive ever seen  of the permaculture aplication

Graham Bell is now one of the Diploma Tutors for the
 New School Permaculture

Thank you for all the lessons and for the friendship Graham

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Permaculture is to create paradise on earth starting at the kitchen garden

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Fundraise with we the trees
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