This time, it was in an old cultural association, El Casino, where they are working on improving the management of the site through a bottom- up methodology.
We were even filmed by local Tindaya TV.
We were even filmed by local Tindaya TV.
As a community project, we organized some dynamic games for participants expose their needs about green spaces and to define the "guardians" of the gardens.
For one day, we talked about and practiced permaculture for a group of people that haven't heard about it before...
We also transformed one of the outside spaces as an example of how they can start to design
and make real the gardens.
and make real the gardens.
It is just about creativity and initiative!!
Due to limited free space in the cities, getting a piece of land for making a garden is really a challenge.
A vertical one seems to be always a good option... ;)
For the whole installation, we re- used some wasted materials found in a storage room of El Casino.
Children were the most excited
and wanted to be part of it, too.
and wanted to be part of it, too.
Fuerteventura is the dryest and warmest island of the Canaries, so we had to choose local flowers, fruits and vegetables that don't need to be watered very often and we looked for a half-shade wall in the patio.

We hope, after some months, passion fruits are hanging in the structure while covering the whole wall, zucchinis are growing around the place and more plants are flowering.
Thanks to all the participants of El Casinoabierto and Fasebase collective for the invitation.
To see more about adventure
in Fuerteventura click HERE.
You can also check some Urban Permaculture HERE
To know all about Helder Valente AQUI
Video interviews
in Fuerteventura click HERE.
You can also check some Urban Permaculture HERE
To know all about Helder Valente AQUI
Video interviews
Spanish national TVE HERE 2014
Video at IPC Cuba HERE 2013
Portuguese RDP HERE 2013
Spanish national TVE HERE 2013
Reportagem da SIC HERE 2012
Biosfera da RTP HERE 2011
Biosfera da RTP HERE 2010
See you soon!!