Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
Madeira Island - Portugal
Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Earthships course by Michael Reynolds

Here is an amazing course about how to make a earthship

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions

About Permaculture

About Helder Valente

About New School Permaculture

About Courses


What do i need to bring to my Course?

The materials to bring to your course are very important for you to have a full experience.

Dont forget to bring your notebook, color pens, maps or designs of your land, house, garden or balcony, soil and water tests if you want us to help you design it on the course, you can also bring traditional food or ingredients to cook or instruments and songs so we can enjoy art and cultural exchange on the course also!

 Some other materials depends on climatic region

Temperate climate:
From France and Mexico to the north and from Chile to the south

This countries can surprise us with sudden rainfall, so be prepared, just in case.
Bring your own water bottle, so you can fill up water at all times when we move around.

Please bring bio degradable soaps so we can keep the showers as natural as possible.

If you sleep in Camping:
The nights can get chilly, so besides a tent or a hammock don’t forget to bring a good sleeping bag/blankets and sweater.
Wen we are camping sometimes mosquitos give us a visit, but like most creatures in temperate climate they are pretty harmless.If you are sensitive to mosquitos bring apropriate solutions for your situation...please dont bring heavy toxic repelants.

Tropical climate:
From Chile and south africa to the north and from United States and Morroco to the south

Bring your own water bottle, so you can fill up water at all times when we move around.

Please bring bio degradable soaps so we can keep the showers as natural as possible.

If you sleep in Camping:
Wen we are camping sometimes mosquitos give us a visit, but like most creatures in temperate climate they are pretty harmless.If you are sensitive to mosquitos bring apropriate solutions for your situation...please dont bring heavy toxic repelants.

What is needed to organize a course with The New School Permaculture?

For the organization of the Permaculture Design course there are these needs:

We are very happy with the possibility to realize an event at your place. 

There are some needs and standards for our activities that we consider very important in order to make the best experience possible.
 Please read below and let us know your ideas and suggestions in the comments. Thank you!

Teachers needs

To be able to provide a life changing experience teachers need a private room ideally a bit separate from the students during the event and during the extra time needed to eventually stay at the place.

It is very important to have internet access to develop content for the course and for organizational purposes.

We are used to teach for big groups so we dont have a maximum number of participants per course, usually the maximum limit is related with the capacity of the hosting site.


-Class room with confortable conditions for the number of students
-Board and educational materials like paper pens and maps 

-Kitchen equiped with all the materials

-Cook for the number and needs of the participants
-Rooms or camping area for rest (Not needed if for local people)
-Person or organization to gather the number of people needed to attend the course 

If you want to have a permaculture course or consultancy with Helder Valente and the New School Permaculture you can contact:




Agradecemos com muita alegria em nome da New School Permaculture e de Helder Valente
o convite para co criar um curso com o objetivo de melhorar as condicões no vosso espaço.

Para que seja possivel organizar actividades com a nossa organização 
precisamos estar de acordo nos seguintes aspectos:

Os cursos, workshops e actividades que organizamos com nossos parceiros 
servem sempre diretamente para melhorar o espaço ou a gestão dos projetos.

Nesse sentido funcionamos de uma forma bem diferente quando 
comparados com outros cursos simplesmente educativos.

Nos nossos cursos ou fazemos uma horta ou um jardim ou plantamos uma floresta.
ou ensinamos como as organizacoes devem ser geridas e como devem ser 
postas a funcionar da forma mais harmónica....esse é o nosso trabalho e missão.

Basicamente o conhecimento e estruturas que partilhamos são postas a 
a funcionar imediatamente o que leva os projetos e os espacos a outro nivel de funcionamento.

Apenas trabalhamos com projetos que reconheçam estas caracteristicas do trabalho unico que realizamos.

Para que seja possivel realizar esta parceria entre nossas duas organizações
precisamos concordar com os seguintes aspectos logisticos.

1- Precisamos de um minimo de 7 participantes fazendo o pagamento 
total acordado para que se possa fazer possivel a actividade .
(No caso de alterações a este numero deve-se acordar entre as duas organizações por email)

2- No caso de cancelamento precisamos ser informados com pelo menos 7 dias de antecedência
visto a New School Permaculture ser uma organização que faz actividades com muita frequência 
e que valoriza a sua agenda e o seu plano anual de actividades e que gosta de trabalhar com organizações sérias.

3- No caso de não se reunirem as pessoas nessessárias até 7 dias antes do curso não seremos responsáveis 
por qualquer pagamento e também não esperamos qualquer pagamento do organizador.

4- No caso de não sermos avisados com menos do que 7 dias de antecedência sobre o cancelamento do curso
esperamos o pagamento por parte do organizador de 100 euros para cobrir os gastos do nosso envolvimento.

5-A New School Permaculture dá uma percentagem de 20% dos ingressos ao organizador e espera que
os materiais nessesários estejam disponiveis para a execução do curso não sendo responsável por materiais em falta.

6-A preparacão de refeições fica a cargo do organizador local assim como a venda de produtos, 
não tendo qualquer responsabilidade sobre o mesmo.

7-Os ingressos da venda de produtos da New School permaculture revertem totalmente para a New School Permaculture
8- Os formadores da New School permaculture esperam receber acomodação confortável e grátis e todas as refeições 
por parte do organizador local, salvo se for préviamente acordado que a estadia e alimentação fica a cargo da NSP.

9-O pagamento dos ingressos para com a NSP deve ser feito 50% 7 dias antes do curso se realizar 
os outros 50% devem ser pagos no primeiro dia de curso.

10-A NSP não é responsável pelo uso e manutenção das estruturas criadas nas actividades
É da inteira responsabilidade do organizador em manter as coisas criadas no curso.

Ficamos super felizes de podermos trabalhar em conjunto para criar um mundo melhor.

No caso de não haver resposta a este email será entendido que os 10 pontos anteriores são aceites pelo organizador local e este email pode ser usado como prova se nessesário.

A New School Permaculture é uma organização com 10 anos de experiencia em organização 
de cursos, workshops e seminários em 5 continentes e mais de 40 paises e em 3 linguas
e espera receber o reconhecimento pelo seu trabalho profissional desenvolvido 
e está aberta a partilhar o que de melhor tem descoberto trabalhando com os grupos 
mais diversos, desde organizações não formais de indigenas, agricultores, universidades
escolas infantis, ONGs, grupos de risco, ministérios e governos nacionais.

Juntos somos mais fortes e apenas juntos podemos criar o mundo mais justo que sonhamos.


New School Permaculture

Bill Mollison Permaculture Design Course


Bill Mollison Permaculture Lecture Series, On-Line
Note: NetWorks Productions Inc. holds the copyrights to this on-line series. . 

What is Permaculture?

Who is Bill Mollison?

These videos are documents from two design courses taught by Bill Mollison at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose Texas in 1994 and 1995. They are a definitive selection from our original 16 part series. These tapes bear many viewings and will benefit anyone who wants to learn how to help regenerate the earth - from back yard to bio-region. Teachers of permaculture have found these tapes to be a valuable coaching tool - edited to one hour.

You can watch them online by following the View Online links below or follow the Download link and then click the Download button on the resulting page to save a copy to your computer.
The Function Of DesignView Video Online
This is an opening lecture. The principles of functional design for sustainability are unique to Permaculture design.Download video   (154 MB)
Fundamentals Of PatternView Video Online
From a singular event all other events are set in motion in recognizable and predictable patterns This pattern recognition is the core of design in Permaculture.
Download video   (155 MB)
Pattern ApplicationView Video Online
Efficiency of energy, resources, and time, and the creation of highly productive systems are the results of good Permaculture design. The methods are obvious once we have become co-creative with the forces of nature.
Download video   (159 MB)
Home GardeningView Video Online
Find out why it is so important to grow your own food and how to install the easiest, and highly productive, home food propagation systems; mulch garden, potato box, herb's spiral, and more. You don't need much space. These are basic Permacultural techniques.
Download part 1    Download part 2 (~151 MB total)
Trees 1View Video Online
The tree is life - profound, magnificent, and mysterious. To learn what little we can know of trees is sufficient to leave one awestruck and reverent.Download video   (155 MB)
Trees 2View Video Online
Why is a tree green? Where does a tree end or begin? Why have all human societies destroyed the tree? A Mollison rave.
Download video   (162 MB)
Farmer's TreesView Video Online
These are very specific trees which are used around the world for their ability to improve
soils. They are invaluable in range for livestock, as well as in fields under cultivation.
Download video   (163 MB)
Forests And WoodlandsView Video Online
Methods to plant, sustain, and best utilize woodland and wood for fuel, forage, windbreak and construction.
Download video   (164 MB)
Pasture And Range RestorationView Video Online
What is cultura promiscua? To maintain functional bio-diversity is a basic tenet of Permaculture. Severely degraded land can be easily restored to highly productive land by using good observation techniques, plants and animals in succession, and common sense.
Download video   (153 MB)
Soil ConditioningView Video Online
... a continuation of #10. Two main techniques: the chisel-plow, and the wonders of worms and how to cultivate them. The patterns described in these two videos can be replicated in any type of Permaculture system, and scaled to any size.
Download video   (159 MB)
WaterView Video Online
...a continuation of the Trees video. Potable water - where does it come from? How did it get there? What has become of it? What we can do to ensure that we will have safe water to drink, and to conserve as much of this precious material as possible.Download video   (157 MB)
Once one has learned to harvest water, then the real fun begins with production of the myriad of foods and marketable commodities hosted by ponds and other water-rich environments.
Download video   (151 MB)
Planting In DrylandsView Video Online
There are a multitude of ways to harvest, conserve, and utilize water. These strategies apply to coastal regions or islands with with zero precipitation, arid lands, as well as to areas with plentiful seasonal rainfall.
Download video   (163 MB)
Drylands 1View Video Online
As desert is rapidly claiming vast areas of our planet, millions are on the verge of starvation. Yet, crops which occur naturally in arid land can provide all necessary nutrition for people and animals. The strategies discussed arise from years of observation in the deserts of Australia and from the peoples of Kalahari.
Download video   (163 MB)
Drylands 2View Video Online
... continuation of Drylands 1. Never, never irrigate the desert. The devastation caused by irrigation of arid land is irreparable. But there are alternatives: methods to set up a drought proof system. This is serious Permaculture!
Download video   (163 MB)

Working at Ground LevelView Video Online
A documentary on the permaculture work done in Ecuador by the Rainforest Information Center, Centro de Investigatión de los Bosques Tropicales.Download video   (68 MB)

The robot that selects tomatoes

Artificial inteligence will also arive in agriculture fields
to feed human needs

What will be the result of that?

I am sure human inteligence can protect us of a robot take over

My maestra Olivia was killed in the many more shamans will have to die?

One of the last keepers of the original shipibo traditions has been killed.
It is very sad for me to say specially because its someone i met 
and someone that blessed me in my work.
We will never forget what you have done for us and the protection you will keep giving werever you are.

A traditional healer and elder Olivia Arévalo Lomas of the Shipibo Konibo Indigenous people of Peru was assassinated yesterday with five shots to the heart.
Olivia was 84 years old
In addition to the attack on Lomas, the following  written death threat against another Shipibo female healer reads: "Señora y Sr Magdalena Florez Agustín, Bernardo Murayari Ochavano You have 48 hours to flee. 
One bullet for each of you and if you don't do as told there will be the consequence that more bullets will rain down on you"

La reconocida cultora de los conocimientos tradicionales del pueblo shipibo konibo, Olivia Arévalo Lomas, fue asesinada de cinco balazos al mediodía de ayer en su comunidad Victoria Gracia, Pucallpa 
(en las riberas del río Ucayali a pocas horas de la frontera brasileña).
Un sicario motorizado le disparó a Olivia a pocos metros de su casa de habitación.
Arévalo se une a una larga lista de indígenas del Perú, como Edwin Chota Valera, Leoncio Quintisima Meléndez, Francisco Pinedo Ramírez, Jorge Ríos Pérez y otros, que se sospecha fueron ultimados por madereros ilegales y narcotraficantes que los tenían amenazados.

Un pistolero sin identificar disparó cinco tiros sobre ella. Posiblemente no sea casualidad que el territorio de su pueblo se encuentre justamente en medio de una región azotada por la fiebre del aceite de palma en Perú. 
Recientemente el Congreso peruano declaró de interés nacional construir más carreteras en la región.

Esta sabia indígena fue también cultora de los conocimientos tradicionales de esta etnia. Además era activa defensora de los derechos culturales y ambientales de su pueblo.
Fue conocida por cultivar medicina tradicional y por los cantos sagrados de su pueblo (Íkaros), declarados Patrimonio Cultural en junio del 2016 por el Ministerio de Cultura. Los cantos sagrados son un elemento transversal de la cultura etnia shipibo-konibo y son expresión de su relación íntima y armoniosa con la naturaleza.

A Samaúma é conhecida como "árvore da vida" ou "escada do céu", apresenta propriedades medicinais. Essa árvore consegue retirar a água das profundezas do solo amazônico e trazer não apenas para abastecer a si mesma, mas também para repartir com outras espécies. 
Gracias maestra Olivia

Cultural survival
Pintura de Luis Tamani. Fotos facilitadas por la Federación de Comunidades Nativas de Ucayali y Afluentes (FECONAU) y TeleSurTV.

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