Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
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Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Curso sobre como Cuidar das pessoas com a Permacultura - Ilha da Madeira - 19/20 - 26/27 Out

Cuidando a gente, com Helder Valente e a  Nova escola de permacultura.
Ilha da Madeira - Portugal 19/20 26/27 Outubro

Curso inovador para quem quer levar uma atitude sustentável ao contexto humano

19/20 - Introdução ao people care e a ética social
26/27 - Curso avançado sobre gestão de projectos e pessoas

Neste curso vais aprender os princípios que nos oferece o design da permacultura e como os aplicar a uma escala humana, tanto a nós próprios ,às nossas comunidades como ao planeta

Este curso de quatro días está desenhado para ser de uso para qualquer pessoa em todos os momentos e todos os lugares

Se por vezes te costumas questionar

Cuidar das pessoas é um desafio enorme, como o posso fazer bem?
Que posso fazer para apoar outras pessoas nos seus sonhos para uma vida em maior harmonia com a natureza?
Qual a forma de manter as pessoas inspiradas nos seus sonhos?
Como posso eu criar e gerir o meu projecto?
Quando chegam os desafios, o que fazer para prosseguir?

Neste curso iremos explorar estas questões e falar de muitas coisas mais

Tomadas de decisão
Organização social
Resolução de conflitos
Comunicação compassiva
O poder da celebração
Economia alternativa
Comunidades sustentáveis

Helder Valente foi estudante de Bill Mollison e agora partilha conhecimento um pouco por todo o mundo.

Curso por donativo:
Mínimo para cubrir os gastos

40eu por fim de semana
70eu os dois fins de semana

19/20 - Introdução ao people care e a ética social
26/27 - Curso avançado sobre gestão de projectos e pessoas

Manuel Vicente 965342079


Permaculture People care course with the New School Permaculture in Madeira Islands

Course by donation.:
Minimum to cover expenses

19/20 - Introduction to people care and social ethics
26/27 - Advanced course about project and people management

40eu - One weekend
70eu - Two weekends


Manuel Vicente 965342079

Permaculture People Care, with Helder Valente and New School Permaculture.

Learning to design and care for ourselves, our communities, and the planet.

This four day course is designed to be useful to anyone who interacts with others. So unless you’re a hermit, that’s YOU!

Do you have this questions?

Managing people its so much harder than developing the land, how can i do that ?
How can i create and organize my project?
How can i keep the people in my project happy and inspired?
If the chalenges come how can i move forward?
I want to keep inspired and manifest my vision for the future, how can i get support and help others with their vision?

During the course we will explore:

Decision making
Social organisation
Conflict resolution
Power of celebration
Alternative economy
Sustainable community
….. and probably much more …..!

Helder studied permaculture with Bill Mollison and now teaches all over the world.

What is Monsanto GMO?

Poor Johnny doesn't like "healthy" food. What could possibly
persuade him to eat all his "veggies"? 

From and sponsored by, this new animated cartoon covers all the basics on why GMOs are dangerous.

Want to know more about GMOs and why they are a serious threat to not only mankind, but the environment and natural ecosystem as well? Then here are some excellent articles, websites and research links for you to have a look at and learn more!

But firstly, a brief introduction about what a GMO is, 5 reasons why we should avoid consuming them at all costs and some of the health risks GMOs pose.

A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to obtain a desired trait or characteristic, hence they are also known as transgenic organisms. This process may be called either Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM); they are one and the same.

5 Reasons to avoid GMOs:

1. GMOs are unhealthy.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. Genes inserted into GM soy, for example, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us, and that the toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses.

Numerous health problems increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996. The percentage of Americans with three or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% in just 9 years; food allergies skyrocketed, and disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems, and others are on the rise. Although there is not sufficient research to confirm that GMOs are a contributing factor, doctors groups such as the AAEM tell us not to wait before we start protecting ourselves, and especially our children who are most at risk.

2. GMOs contaminate - forever.
GMOs cross pollinate and their seeds can travel. It is impossible to fully clean up our contaminated gene pool. Self-propagating GMO pollution will outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste. The potential impact is huge, threatening the health of future generations. GMO contamination has also caused economic losses for organic and non-GMO farmers who often struggle to keep their crops pure.

3. Genetic engineering creates dangerous side effects.
By mixing genes from totally unrelated species, genetic engineering unleashes a host of unpredictable side effects. Moreover, irrespective of the type of genes that are inserted, the very process of creating a GM plant can result in massive collateral damage that produces new toxins, allergens, carcinogens, and nutritional deficiencies.

4. Independent research and reporting is attacked and suppressed. 
Scientists who discover problems with GMOs have been attacked, gagged, fired, threatened, and denied funding. The journal Nature acknowledged that a "large block of scientists...denigrate research by other legitimate scientists in a knee-jerk, partisan, emotional way that is not helpful in advancing knowledge." Attempts by media to expose problems are also often censored. 

5. GMOs harm the environment.
GM crops and their associated herbicides can harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms. They reduce bio-diversity, pollute water resources, and are unsustainable. For example, GM crops are eliminating habitat for monarch butterflies, whose populations are down 50% in the US. Roundup herbicide has been shown to cause birth defects in amphibians, embryonic deaths and endocrine disruptions, and organ damage in animals even at very low doses. GM canola has been found growing wild in North Dakota and California, threatening to pass on its herbicide tolerant genes on to weeds.

Excellent websites on GMOs: 


GMO Truths and Myths:

Powerpoint Presentation on GMOs:

Long/Complete version (180+ slides):

Short and Medium versions are available to download from:

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New School Permaculture @ British Permaculture Association

Here is our new video, filmed at a People Care course we had with Looby in Leeds at the British Permaculture association.

This was a session i taught in the course about "The Secret Observation" in Permaculture

Spiritual Permaculture

David Holmgreen

"Permaculture attracts many raised in a culture of scientific rationalism because its holism does not depend on a spiritual dimension. For others, permaculture reinforces their spiritual beliefs, even if these are simply a basic animism that recognises the earth is alive and, in some unknowable way, conscious. For most people on the planet, the spiritual and rational still coexist in some fashion. Can we really imagine a sustainable world without spiritual life in some form? "

Bill Mollison 

For the sake of the earth itself
I evolved a philosophy close to Taoism from my experiences with 
natural systems. As it was stated in Permaculture Two, it
is a philosophy of working with rather than against
rather than protracted and thoughtless action; of
nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation
rather than asking only one yield of them; and of
looking at systems and people in all their functions,
A basic question that can be asked in two ways is:
allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions.
"What can I get from this land, or person?" or
cooperate with them.
"What does this person, or land, have to give if I

 Graham Bell.

A couple of cautionary notes: Permaculture is not a missionary activity.  There is enough to do working with those who want to know not to go out trying to convert people.
 At the end of the day Permaculture is a proposition for a design science.  Spiritual approaches will influence how we make our solutions ethical.  And you can come from any piritual direction you like.  At the end of the day it's about how you manage inputs and outputs.  And that has to fit with ANY spiritual context

And so to spirituality. Right- minded human beings have a spiritual dimension. Learning from nature implies a connectedness with the living world around us. Ethical commitments are written into the concept of permaculture right from the start. This is not about religion… you can believe in any religion you want or none and still practice permaculture. But you can’t practice permaculture without a sense of ethics, which by its very nature implies a spiritual dimension. People care, Earth care, fare shares are all ethical concepts.
When I teach permaculture I invite every student to be part of the teaching. On a recent course one participant invited people through a guided meditation to sense the garden in which we were sitting. Without talking at all what could we hear, smell, sense. She moved us beyond words to experiencing the world about us for ten minutes. This was a very spiritual way of learning, and one I personally don’t practice often enough.
None of these things corrupt or cultify the understanding of permaculture. They add to it. And it remains a discipline for designing how we can live lightly on the Earth, an Earth we respect and understand better every day.

Curso Bosques Comestibles 20/23 Ago Isl Tenerife

20/23 Ago
Manantial de Tara -Tenerife - Canary Islands - Spain 

4 Días de curso Bosques comestibles / jardín forestal.

Imagine un jardín pareciendo un agradable  paisaje natural ,  que produce una abundancia de alimentos, que finalmente necesitaría muy  pocas excavaciones, poco desherbar,  poco agua tanto como ningún control con pesticidas, un “bosque comestible”. 

Jardinería forestal es una forma de cultivar alimentos,  con la que se llega a usar al máximo los requisitos del medio ambiente y de las diferentes cualidades de la naturaleza. Es decir llegar a un punto en donde la naturaleza haga la mayoría del trabajo necesitado. 

Elaborado en un bosque productivo, La cosecha será plantada en diferentes capas  y alturas, como arboles de gran y media altura, raíces,  plantas de cubierta y plantas trepadoras.

Con un planeamiento muy dedicado, las plantas elegidas se beneficiarán mutuamente unas a otras,  con eso, atraerán insectos beneficiosos, creando una biodiversidad saludable, un sistema rico que mantendrá su propia fertilidad. Una vez elaborado, la tarea principal será cosechar. 

Este curso le dará los cualidades que necesita para diseñar si propio jardín forestal. 

Estudiará su historia,  sus beneficios, fertilidad de tierra, nutrientes, cómo valuar diversidad,  colectar medidas,  marcar mapas, como observar y aprender de la naturaleza, y cómo plantar las plantas correctas en los sitios correctos. Al final será capaz de diseñar su propio jardín o un diseño de estudio práctico.

- Historia de los bosques comestibles
- Por qué hacer un jardín foresta
- Planeamiento del jardín forestal
- Como asegurar de que el jardín tenga suficientes nutrientes
- Caminos multifuncionales
- Crear abundancia y adaptación 
- Cultivar con mantenimiento mínimo
-  Formas y pautas de la naturaleza
- Entendimiento y maximización de los extremos
- Manejo el agua
- Creando un diseño detallado
- Generación de planeamiento
- Implementación de plantas
- Grupos de plantas y árboles  de beneficio mútuo
- Trabajo práctico etc…)

Curso por donacion
Minimum 150e

Alkaline food

By Karen Mckee
Hello friends, this is Karen. I wanted to share some information about the acid alkaline diet. Our bodies naturally strive to keep us in a state of slightly alkaline.
 When this environment is not provided our bodies draw upon nutrient reserves mainly in the bones. The average diet is overly acidic.
 This is not a happy situation for the body, but a happy situation for illness. When the body is overly acidic it turns into an environment that encourages the breeding of fungus, mold, bacteria, and viruses."This forces the body to constantly deplete its cellular energy to neutralize and detoxify these acids before they can act as poisons in and around the cells, ultimately changing the environment of each cell and finally compromising its immune system leaving it vulnerable to the ravages of disease to take a foothold in the body. 
When our body pH becomes overly acidic, it starts to set up defense mechanisms to keep the damaging acids from entering the vital organs." Every step a person can take towards eating more fresh natural alkaline food is a step towards greater health in the now and in the long term. This doesn't mean  you have to go extreme!!! 
Take a look at your plate and see what adjustments you can make one at a time or more if you are inspired. In my opinion there is no absolute one size fits all diet, but there are certain laws all our bodies abide. Have fun experiment see what feels good and what feels not so good. Clean purified water, with lemon, a splash of raw apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of sea salt is a beautifully alkaline way to start the day. Mega high fives to you all on your journeys towards greater balance!  

The impact of climat change on iberian lynx extinction...

The world’s most endangered feline species may become extinct in the wild within 50 years, researchers say, a victim of climate change.
A new report projects that Iberian lynx could become the first cat species in at least 2,000 years to become extinct, researchers found, largely because of the decline of the European rabbit, which makes up 80% of the cat’s diet.
The report, published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change, warns that current efforts to boost population of the distinctive tufted-eared cat will only “buy a few decades” for the animal that was once abundant in parts of Spain, Portugal and France.
Rabbit populations have drastically fallen because of overhunting, disease and habitat reduction, researchers said, with climate change a major driver.
Wild Iberian lynx populations have dwindled to two from nine groups in the 1990s. An estimated 250 cats are in the wild. A well-funded captive breeding program  is underway with a goal to release genetically diverse animals into suitable habitat.
But the study claims the conservation strategy is flawed because it fails to take into account climate change and its influence on prey abundance.
font: HERE

How to make a homemade (DIY) cardboard solar dehydrator / Como fazer desidratador solar de cartão

Cardboard solar dehydrator

By Karin Weijers

My dear friend Helder asked me to write an article about dried food, like fruit and vegetables. 
The main reason to dry your fruit or vegetables is because your garden is producing more than you can use at that moment.
 Of course there are other methods preserving your crops for a longer time period. 
Why drying, it is easy to do yourself, you can dry nearly everything, it keeps the vitamins and minerals in the original state (if the temperature is not above 41 degrees Celsius), if you use a self-made solar dehydrator  it does not use external energy like gas or electricity, easy to store and it will stay for a long time.
Before you want to use dried food it is better to soak it in water, it returns to the original shape. After this you can eat or prepare a healthy meal. Of course you can eat the dried food without soaking but I suggest you drink some water and chew very good. Some more facts about dry fruit you will find in this interesting link 

You can make banana, apple, beetroot, carrot, sweet potato, cassava as chips or even mushrooms or soak your favorite vegetables in a marinate and dry them so  that you can get a nice flavour.

Kale chips recipe


1 large bunch kale, any variety
2 - 3 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
3/4 teaspoon salt


Strip the leaves away from the leafstalks and tough midribs (if you dry the whole leaves, the midribs end up with the consistency of twigs - not tasty!). Compost the leafstalks or save for soup stock.

Wash the kale leaves and dry well in a salad spinner or by gently rolling the leaves in a clean dishtowel.
Tear the washed and dried leaves into just slightly larger than chip sized pieces; they will shrink slightly as they dry. Toss the kale in a large bowl with the extra-virgin olive oil and the salt. Massage the leaves well with your clean hands. All of the leaves should be more or less evenly coated with the oil. If you like spicy flavors, add a dash of cayenne pepper. Nutritional yeast will add a cheesy flavor.

This link gives you some does and don'ts while drying fruits

And now the design for our homescale project

Made from two cardboard boxes, some clear plastic wrap, and a little tape. You can build a nearly free solar dehydrator.

 Set it on a stool or chair and face it's solar collector towards the sun, and you have a functional food preservation machine for little work and even less money.

The above picture almost says it all. Using a long thin cardboard box for the collector and a taller, nearly square, cardboard box for the drying box.

 Boxes could be made to size by cutting and taping together small cardboard pieces. Line the bottom of the collector box with a black plastic garbage bag or paint the bottom with black, water based, poster paint, (lamp black or soot mixed with a little vegetable oil would work as well).

 If you use spray paint or other toxic paints, let the collector bake in the sun for a day or two before use.

 Cover the top of the collector with clear plastic wrap or window glass, etc. Tape it together as shown.
To increase the efficiency, you may want to cover the sides and bottom of both boxes with fiberglass or styrofoam insulation.

Drawing courtesy of: Mother's Energy Efficiency Book Copyright 1983 ISBN 0-938-43205-2

Rely on appearance and feel to judge dryness.
Cool a test handful a few minutes before deciding whether the food is done.
Consider fruit dry when no wetness can be squeezed from a piece which has been cut - it should be rather tough and pliable. 
Consider vegetables dry when brittle.
Steam blanching is safe pre-treatment which can prevent spoilage - especially of low acid foods such as vegetables.

Important post-drying treatments are:
Conditioning - i.e. leaving in open air for long periods to equalize moisture content.
Pasteurizing - i.e. exposing the dried foods to high heat to eliminate harmful organisms
Ensure food is thoroughly cool before storing. 
Store in small quantities in glass or food-grade plastic. 
Check supplies frequently for contamination or dampness. 
Keep in a dry, cool place (between 4 C/40 F and 21 C/70 F). 
Fruits - cover with boiling water in saucepan and simmer the fruit covered for 10-15 min.
- sweeten to taste at the very end of cooking.
- remove from heat and cool still covered Vegetables. 
- soak all vegetables except greens in cold water until they are nearly restored to their original texture. 
- use only enough water to cover and always cook in the soaking water. 
- cover greens with enough boiling water to cover and simmer until tender. 

One of best crops you can dry are tomatos, to know some trick on how to grow them click HERE

Curso de resolucion de conflictos

Alguna vez te has sentido como si no fueras capaz de ser escuchado y no tienes una comunicación clara con otras personas?

¿Alguna vez te has encontrado en un conflicto por las ideas infividuales de personas? ¿Con amigos, familia o compañeros de trabajo?

En este curso aprenderá sobre: 

Por qué conflictos pasan
Cuál es la actitud óptima confrontando conflictos
Comunicación pacifica
Como convertir emociones negativos en emociones constructivos
Metodos de escuchar activos
Como hacer desiciones en grupo
El poder de la celebración en la comunidad.

Hay descuento para grupos, personas que esta de baja y estudiantes.
Trae un amigo o tu pareja

Te lo pasaras bien

Precio: 30e

Comida y acomodacion si necesitado.

Manantial de tara - Arafo Tenerife


Curso de lombricultura

Curso de lombriculture con New school permaculture y Helder valente. 

Alguna vez habia pensado sobre la importancia de los lombrizes?

Si... los lombrinces son uno de los animales mas importantes del planeta. 

Solemos decir que lombrices son los mejores amigos de los permacultores.

Le damos algunos ejemplos de las capacidades ocultas del lombriz

Digiere restos organicos y los convierte en compost
No tienen enfermedades
Tienen y producen bacteria beneficiosa que da vida a la tierra Oxigenan la tierra creando espacio para que agua y nutrientes estén disponible para las plantas
De su abono se crean los mejores fertilizadores del mundo
El lombriz compost duplica su populación cada cuarenta dias Come las raizes muertas de plantas vivas y ayudando en su crecimiento
Repara tierras contaminadas con radioactividad... 

En este curso aprenderá mucho mas sobre lombrices y su uso, tanto como implementarlos en el uso diario en su jardin os su jardin casero. 

Esto es un curso practico en el que instalaremos una estación de compost organico, que producerá compost mediante los lombrices, sus restos orgánicos de cocina y también producerá un potente fertilizante liquido. 

Precio 30e

Comida y acomodacion si necesitado. 

Manantial de tara - Arafo Tenerife 


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