Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
Madeira Island - Portugal
Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Permaculture Teachers Course PTC - 7-11 March Costa Rica

Permaculture Teachers Course
 7 to 11 March
S.Jose - Punta Mona - Costa Rica

 Course Taught By Helder Valente and
 the New School Permaculture team

This course is for empowering people that want to become permaculture teachers.
Our main goal is to create a safe environment for people to open and experiment with
teaching strategies under our supervision and support.

Registration form HERE
Contact Info:

The Permaculture Teacher Training is a course designed for people that want to learn how to share information in a clear and supportive way with educational tools that can be used to present information in a way where there is little difference between student and teacher.
There is a deep focus on the practice of learner based education and discussion about the results.
In this course we learn about how to effectively teach a PDC and other courses, how to develop curriculums, unit content and how to design classes of any topic.

We spend our time sharing about educational tools that can be used to present information in a way that there is little difference between student and teacher.
There is a deep focus on the practice of learner based education and discussion about the results.

 This course has also the purpose of empowering people that want to become a permaculture teacher.
Our main goal is to create a safe environment for people to open and experiment with our tricks under our supervision and support.

After teaching on more than 30 Permaculture Design Course (PDC) and 30 other diverse courses like  Permaculture Social courses (PSC), Permaculture Forest Courses (PFC), Permaculture Water Course (PWC),  Helder have been developing very simple tools to create a good learner, after all to be a good teacher its very usefull to be a better learner.

On that process Helder been focusing most of his energy on learning from poor people in every country he visits and try to understand that openness.

While traveling more than 30 countries and working with people in the deep amazon were rivers have deep oil polution or with quechua people in the Andes and having to face air polution due to mine extractions, there came a powerfull moment of transition.
This transition is the vision of the New School Permaculture and its to provide alternative creative educational thinking and practice by supporting people on having a different perspective on ecosocial design.

To do that we focus on what is essential and fundamental.
On this course you will learn about what are the main patterns in education and how to manage them in a way that the students get empowered.
How to design a lesson and a classroom, how to develop a course, promotion and preparations, hosting and celebration.
How to teach a PDC or any other course of any kind and how to make a living out of it, supporting the needs of nature and of people.

The time has arrived for people to have availabke and experiment with New School Permaculture educational ToolBox.

The course is presented by creative non formal education methods, that are based on creating a bridge between the right and left side of the brain, so that the analytical and creative abilities of the students get fully stimulated and get the most out of the experience...

...for many people its the most empowering and inspiring transformative process of their lives...and they carry this with them every were they go....and thats our goal.

The New School Permaculture uses creative and inspiring educational tools that enable the students to empower each other in a way that many people have never experienced in their lives before.

To see testimonials from our students
click HERE

The subjects covered during this Permaculture Teacher Course include:

The ethics and principles of Permaculture

Class vision
Learning styles
Schools social systems
Learning strategies
Educational Methods
 Reading the landscape 
Social Pattern in design
PDC and courses content

Alternative economies
Community development

To know more about the PTC
Permaculture for Teacher Course
 click HERE

Join our Facebook events click HERE
Like us on Facebook click HERE

To see some testimonials from our students click HERE

Includes lodging, three organic vegetarian meals daily, classes, workshops and activities
Certificate offered upon successful completion**Students are required to have successfully completed a 72- Hour Permaculture Design Course**

Registration form HERE
Contact Info:

 Curso de Permacultura para Professores
Este curso ofrece herramientas fundamentales para quienes quieren desarrollarse como profesores en el campo de la Permacultura y es también una formación de formadores en educación alternativa.  Se abre a trabajar y estimular las distintas dimensiones del ser y sus interelaciones. Se enseña cómo enseñar un PDC, sin embargo es necesario tener experiencia práctica de al menos 3 años en gestión de proyectos sostenibles para poder enseñar cursos de PDC certificados.

El curso de Permacultura para Profesores es un curso diseñado para gente que quiere aprender cómo compartir información. Utilizamos el tiempo para compartir sobre herramientas educacionales o que pueden ser usadas para presentar información de una manera horizontal sin diferencia entre estudiantes y profesores. Hay un foco profundo en la práctica de la educación basada en el estudiante y grupos de discusión sobre los resultados.

En este curso nosotros también aprendemos sobre cómo enseñar el PDC y otros cursos. Cómo desarrollar curriculum y contenido y cómo diseñar clases de cualquier campo. Este curso tiene también el propósito de empoderar a las personas que quieren convertirse en profesores de permacultura. El principal objetivo es crear un entorno seguro para que las personas se abran y experimenten bajo una estrategia de supervisión.

Para hacer esto, nos enfocamos en lo que es escencial y fundamental.

Helder Valente

Helder Valente es un reconocido y versátil Permacultor que se ha formado y trabajado junto a reconocidos permacultores a nivel global como el cocreador de la Permacultura Bill Mollison, y otros pioneros de este movimiento como Geoff Lawton, Doug Bullock, Rosemary Morrow, Darren Doherty y Seph Holzer, para mencionar algunos, y ha trabajado en la mayor cantidad de regiones climáticas. Actualmente se dedica a difundir el conocimiento de la Permacultura en distintas partes del mundo, siendo invitado como expositor en la Convergencia Mundial de Permacultura (Cuba, India, Hawaii...) Su estilo y forma de enseñar han generado gran interés en sus cursos en los distintos lugares a los que llega.

Helder es parte de la Sociedad Europea de Profesores de Permacultura que funciona como una red para compartir información relacionada a la educación en Permacultura. Es fundador de la “New School Permaculture” que integra distintos métodos pedagógicos y agrega terapia de juego como ‘condimento’; ofreciendo una forma de educación en la que se transmite el conocimiento de la Permacultura basado en las necesidades del estudiante.

​Después de enseñar en más de 30 cursos de PDC y otros 30 cursos como PSC, PFC, Permacultura de Bosque y Permacultura de Agua, Helder ha estado desarrollando herramientas muy sencillas para generar un buen "aprendedor". Al final, para ser un buen profesor, es muy útil ser un buen "aprendedor". En ese proceso, Helder ha enfocando la mayor parte de su energía en aprender de gente humilde en cada país que visita y tratado de entender esa apertura.

 Después de viajar por más de 30 países trabajar con gente en la selva, en donde los ríos tienen una alta contaminación o con gente quechua en los Andes, y teniendo que encarar contaminación del aire debido a extracciones mineras, llego un poderoso momento de transición. Esta transición es la visión de la escuela "New School Permaculture", que es proveer pensamiento creativo educacional alternativo y práctico a través de apoyar a la gente a tener una perspectiva diferente en el diseño eco-social.  

Permaculture Design Course: Core Curriculum V2. by British Permaculture association

Permaculture Design Course: Core Curriculum V2
The curriculum presented here describes the content that must be included in a Permaculture
Design Certificate (PDC) course, if a certificate from the Permaculture Association (Britain) is to be

Please note that there is a 72 hours minimum contact time between teacher and student to be
awarded this certificate. In this period it is impossible that all of the topics outlined herein will be covered in detail, however some detail may be entered into and students may be signposted to
researching further in their own time.

It is internationally recognised that 'Permaculture: a Designers' Manual' by Bill Mollison is the basis
for the PDC curriculum. This curriculum builds on the Designe rs' Manual and extends the scope to address challenges of the British context, and to reflect the development of the permaculture field since the Designers' Manual was published.
It has been updated from a previous version (issued in early 2013) in August 2014 by the Education Working Group (EWG) of the Permaculture Association Britain.

This document states the absolutely essential topics that must be included in a Permaculture
Association PDC and optional, but recommended topics in italics.

 It does not include a comprehensive list of subjects that the PDC could include; courses will almost certainly include other subjects (especially skills and practice based learning) and may be targeted towards a specific area or group of people, or draw on the expertise of the teacher and students.

This document does not tell you how to teach permaculture. If you are planning a PDC, you can
find inspiration in, e.g. 'Permaculture Teachers' Guide' and 'Teaching Permaculture Creatively'.
EWG is also working on quality guidance for ‘How to teach effectively’.

Background to this document
This curriculum was produced by the Education Working Group, a voluntary group of members of
the Permaculture Association. It includes input from all the home countries.

The project originally consulted widely among British permaculture teachers at key stages, and took place between March 2010 and January 2013. It also absorbs a similar process from diplomat teachers in Scotland.

The document will continue to be reviewed regularly. Please contact the office to submit contributions to future versions.

This document is for use by teachers intending to award a Permaculture Association (Britain) PDC
Certificate. It makes no statement regarding the relative quality of any other PDC curriculum, or the suitability of other curricula for any given context.

Externally accredited learning outcomes for the PDC are also available from the Permaculture Association for those who are interested in delivering accredited training.

Please contact the office for more information.

The Permaculture Association can accept no responsibility for the quality or content of courses that are certified by other organisations.

The Curriculum
By the end of this course, students will know about:

1. Context
The Prime Directive of Permaculture:
"The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence and that of our children."
Bill Mollison.

What is permaculture?
Permaculture as an approach to designing systems which meet human needs.
 Many teachers also include: A Brief History of permaculture

2. Ethics Earth Care People Care Fair Shares (“setting limits to population and consumption”)
Refer to Permaculture: A Designers' Manual for full definitions.
Essentially permaculture teachers agree to teach the discipline respecting ethical values.
Many teachers explore different interpretations of the ethics and how they are applied in practice.
-ask at the outset why students are on the course

3. Principles
The principles below are as they appear in the Mollison's Designers' Manual. Other wordings are

3.1 Attitudinal Principles:
Work with nature, not against
The problem is the solution (Liabilities into assets)
Make the least change for the greatest possible effect

Many teachers also include:
The yield of a system is theoretically unlimited
Start from your back door and work outwards
Everything Gardens (or has an effect on its environment)

3.2 Ecological Principles:
Cycling of energy, nutrients & resources
SuccessionEdge effects
Every element performs multiple functions
Every function is supported by multiple elements

Many teachers also include:
Cooperation rather than competition.
How does this square with the fact that nature is competitive as well as collaborative?
Niches–how to profit from them
Use stacking in space and time to increase yields.
Value Diversity: including guilds.
Efficient energy planning (e.g. zone, sector, slope).
Place elements to maximise the beneficial relationships between them (relative location).
Value biological resources everything works both ways, and permaculture is information and imagination-intensive.

3.3 Principles sessions should mention that there are contributions from many other sources.
Youmay choose to explore them in depth as well. Holmgren Principles

3.4 Permaculture design can be seen from many different perspectives e.g.:
Energy Management
People Care
Landscape Design
Pattern understanding
oDesigning from pattern to detail

4. Design
4.1 Process Frameworks:
1.e.g. SADIM / OBREDIMET / other

4.2 Skills, Tools & methods:

Client Interview
Maps & Mapping
Key Planning Tools:
Zones,sectors,energies in the landscape
Reading the landscape
Relative location
Input/output analysisClimate & microclimate
Further analysis tools (e.g. identifying functions and elements,
SMART goals, SWOC,placement, design by limiting factors, process flows)

Many teachers also include:
Levelling tools:
Plants, animals, structures, tools/technologies, events (PASTE).
Mapping tools:
Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI) evaluation tool
Conservation & hierarchy of intervention
Yeoman's scale of permanence
McHarg's exclusion method
Limiting factors and hierarchy of resource use
Random assembly
Data overlay
Collaborative decision making
Phenological/biotime diaries
Wild design
sit spot
Shade mapping
spirals of erosion & entropy
cascade of intervention
6 coloured thinking hats

4.3 Design Practice
A series of opportunities to develop and practice design skills throughout the course, leading to...

Final design exercise
(This may be individual and/or group exercise)that is both sustainable and productive

Group working/process skills, for example:
Planning and allocating tasks and time
Decision making in groups (Sociocracy for example)
Communication & conflict resolution
Using permaculture principles & ethics in groups

4.4 Design Presentation
Students should have seen at least one implemented design of diploma standard

Sharing & evaluating design work. The design may be an individual and/or group
presentation; creative presentations are encouraged.
For distance learning, a design portfolio should be submitted.

How to present
-presentation skills, hints & tips
How to give & receive feedback (if students are giving each other feedback).
4.5 Celebration
5. Themes
5.1 Soil
The following topics should be covered:
Soil food web: macro and micro organisms and their relationships
Tilling: pros & cons
Mulching–why and how
Soil sampling & analysis: types, textures, pH. Simple solutions.
Mycorrhizal and bacterial associations
Fertility factors
Erosion–a natural process: plus and minus
Indicator species and dynamic accumulators

5.2 Water
A minimum of 4 of the following topics should be covered in detail and all of them mentioned:
Water availability
The hydrological cycle
Rainwater harvesting
Retention in the landscape (e.g. soils, swales, key line planning etc). Dryland vs temperate.
Water use in the home and at work and domestic water saving
Water as an energy store

5.3 Plants/trees
A minimum of 5 of the following topics should be covered in detail and all of them mentioned:

Tree species, native & exotic, and uses
Energy transactions of trees
Forest gardening
Windbreaks & shelterbelts
Riparian buffers
Grassland management; holistic management
Plant communities / Indicator plants
Sustainable woodland management
Guilds and other ways of looking at plant cooperation

5.4 Growing your own food
A minimum of 4 of the following topics should be covered in detail and all ofthem mentioned:
polycultures–why & how
permaculture and organic gardening
bed creation
seasonal planning
food preservation
field scale strategies
designing broadscale agriculture
hugelkultur and Sepp Holzer’s work
livestock / animals in the system

5.5 Built environment
A minimum of 3 of the following topics should be covered in detail and all of them mentioned:

Recommended topics:
Ecological buildings and structure (e.g. local materials, U value, thermal mass)
Buildings & the home
A Pattern Language & the Timeless Way of Building
Energy Management & the Spiral of intervention
Urban permaculture
Transport priorities
Renewable energy sources and management
Energy efficient planning in the urban context (zones, sectors, elevation etc).
The planning process

5.6 Resource use:
◦ecological footprints,
◦resource choices
◦Personal asset assessment–knowing your own value
◦Setting future learning–recognise where you can strengthen your design capability

5.7 Social
A minimum of 5 of the following topics should be covered in detail and all of them mentioned:

Zone 00: personal resilience e.g.(e.g. Non violent communication, Work that Reconnects,healthy diet, Herbal Medicine, Conflict Resolution)
The importance of vibrant, well connected community (4 generations model, transition towns etc.)
Health & wellbeing*
Finance & Economics (e.g. real wealth, money and alternatives,)
Land Tenure & Community Governance*
Culture & Education* (including learning from nature)
Communication skills
Decision making (e.g. consensus) & Sociocracy

5.8 Visit site(s) which exemplify permaculture principles.

6. Next Steps & Further Information
Introduction to the Permaculture Association (Britain) and why/how to become a member.
Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design
Establishing/linking with local groups
Further learning goals
Identifying allies
Setting up action learning guilds/peer support groups next steps in the permaculture pathway

See Holmgren: Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability, (in the preface) for topic breakdown.

7. Feedback
Course participants should be given opportunity to give feedback about the course to the tutors.


Curso de Diseno de Permacultura en Marcahuasi Peru 2020


19-28 de Marzo 2020
Marcahuasi - PERU

New School Permaculture 
Helder Valente 

Una vez mas vez en Perú se está gestando un curso de permacultura con un instructor de clase mundial, 
Helder Valente de Portugal con el apoio 
de su alumna veterana Helena de Marcahuasi.

El Curso Certificado de Diseño en Permacultura (PDC)
 ha sido la manera como tradicionalmente se transmite la mirada de la Permacultura y es una buena base para uno se tornar designer profissional.

La Permacultura es un sistema de diseño que busca la creación de grupos humanos sostenibles, ecológicamente sanos y viables en materia económica. Viene expandiéndose rápidamente por todo el mundo como herramienta y movimiento para “reaprender” nuestra mirada de la naturaleza y sus patrones, mejorando eficiencias en la producción de alimentos, el uso de recursos, creando entornos más sostenibles y en armonía con la madre naturaleza.

 Permacultura, es algo más que plantar un jardín o elementos del paisaje de manera aislada. Se trata de un enfoque de un sistema de diseño sostenible que sea aplicable en todas las actividades humanas. Un jardín orgánico es sólo uno entre tantos elementos a considerar para el diseño de un hogar. Permacultura atiende la ubicación de los elementos del diseño en relación a otros como la vivienda, la topografía del lugar, el clima, el agua que escurre, la vegetación, los animales, las capacidades de los usuarios, de dónde viene el dinero para financiarlo, cuales son los materiales disponibles para construir, etc.

El Curso Certificado de Diseño en Permacultura (PDC)  ofrece una certificación internacional por parte de la ‘New School Permaculture'. 

El objetivo del PDC es dar un conocimiento y entendimiento amplio sobre los temas contenidos en el libro “Permaculture: A Designers´ Manual” de Bill Mollison así como las técnicas de agricultura regenerativa, keyline, para ser un diseñador de sistemas permaculturales, además de promover un cambio de actitud hacia una cultura regenerativa de baja energía.
Dirigido a todas las personas interesadas en profundizar sobre el sistema de diseño Permacultura en sus casas, predios o terrenos, granjas, chacras, fincas, ecoaldeas, comunidades o simplemente interesados en aprender en cómo llevar una vida en armonía con la Naturaleza.
 Sin importar el nivel de estudios o experiencia previa.
 El curso conduce al internacionalmente reconocido Certificado de Diseño en Permacultura (PDC)


El curso conduce al internacionalmente reconocido Certificado de Diseño en Permacultura (PDC), es impartido por Helder Valente ( de New School Permaculture. Helder estudió y trabajó con Bill Mollison, Sepp Holzer, Doug Bullock, Rosemary Morrow, Darren dougherty, Ernst Gotsh entre otros y ahora se dedica a difundir este conocimiento alrededor del mundo.

Se inició en 2009 con la enseñanza de la permacultura a estudiantes en la Universidad Agrícola y desde entonces continúa el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en muchos climas diferentes.
Mientras vivía en la ciudad dedicó 3 años al desarrollo de un proyecto de permacultura urbana en el centro de Lisboa y co-creó el Instituto de Permacultura Portugués.
Así es como empezó todo.
Helder nunca se detuvo y estos últimos meses pasó su tiempo de trabajo con los agricultores quechuas en los Andes, el diseño de proyectos en la selva amazónica y ecoaldeas como Findhorn.
Helder Valente es un reconocido y versátil Permacultor que se ha formado y trabajado junto a reconocidos permacultores a nivel global como el cocreador de la Permacultura Bill Mollison, y otros pioneros de este movimiento como Geoff Lawton, Doug Bullock, Rosemary Morrow, Darren Doherty y Seph Holzer, para mencionar algunos, y ha trabajado en la mayor cantidad de regiones climáticas.

Actualmente se dedica a difundir el conocimiento de la Permacultura en distintas partes del mundo, siendo invitado como expositor en la Convergencia Mundial de Permacultura en Cuba en 2013

 Su estilo y forma de enseñar han generado gran interés en sus cursos en los distintos lugares a los que llega.

Helder es parte de la Sociedad Europea de Profesores de Permacultura que funciona como una red para compartir información relacionada a la educación en Permacultura. Es fundador de la “New School Permaculture” que integra distintos métodos pedagógicos y agrega terapia de juego como ‘condimento’; ofreciendo una forma de educación en la que se transmite el conocimiento de la Permacultura basado en las necesidades del estudiante.

El curso sigue un plan de estudios conjunto y conduce al Certificado en Diseño de Permacultura internacionalmente reconocido.

Facilitado por Helder Valente y amigos de la Permacultura New School.


Este curso intensivo de 10 días en Diseño en Permacultura te proporcionará las herramientas y perspectiva necesarias para encontrar soluciones en la búsqueda de una vida sustentable para crear abundancia en donde sea que te encuentres.

Dirigido a todas las personas interesadas en aprender como llevar una vida en armonía con la naturaleza. También va dirigido a todas las personas que ya tienen experiencia en Permacultura y quieren profundizar sobre el diseño de sistemas en sus casas, predios, terrenos, granjas, fincas, ecoaldeas o comunidades. Sin importar el nivel de estudios o experiencia previa.
El curso se llevará a cabo en los andes en la casa del protector en Marcahuasi.

​La casa del protector es un espacio comunitario dedicado a difundir saberes que van señalando una forma de vida sencilla, sostenible y natural. En esa búsqueda la Permacultura ha sido una importante guía en el proceso de diseño y gestión del espacio. Cuenta con las instalaciones y elementos demostrativos ideales para llevar a cabo una formación intensiva de este tipo.

Los precios regulares que se ofrecen son muy bajos comparados con programas similares.

Cupos con aporte reducido para las personas que se inscriban pronto

Posibilidad de hacer un aporte solidario que ayudará a financiar becas para participantes locales.

Los participantes que residan en EEUU, Canada y Europa pagan un 40% adicional a los precios normales (*esta distinción no aplica para todos los casos, solo cuando sea justo)

 Los precios incluyen la alimentación (vegetariana, orgánica, sana y rica) durante todo el Programa, la estadía en carpa*, el material de trabajo, y el certificado.

Los Temas que abarcaremos en el curso son:


Qué Traer??
-Lo necesario para tomar notas como: libreta, lápices, plumones de colores, regla, etc.
-Ropa cómoda
-Botas o zapatos
-Sombrero o gorra.
-Termo o botella para beber líquidos.
-Semillas para intercambiar, Buena música, cámara fotográfica, botella de lo que te guste tomar y que quieras compartir con los otros participantes, instrumento que sepas tocar, energía positiva, ganas de aprender y divertirte.

INFO Contacto:


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