Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
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Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Permaculture Design Course in the Andes

The Ka’Way Monti School ofSustainability is hosting its first Permaculture Design Course (PDC)  this Nov.27 until Dec. 6 with Helder Valente that will be supporting the development of the permaculture school.

Ka’Way Monti is a sustainable community in progress located up in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru. Our School of Sustainability is aimed at spreading our knowledge of permaculture farming practices, sustainable technologies, and holistic living with enthusiastic students from around the world as well as our neighboring Quechua villagers in the Andes. 

 We aim to use this school, and community, as an experimental testing ground to develop a way of retaining our currently unsustainable comforts in a sustainable way.

This 10 day PDC course provides students with the live-in opportunity to learn how to transform land in an arid, high altitude (3,700 meters) plain into a lush, self-sustaining landscape with a bounty of food filled with ponds and waterfalls. Through class room studies and surveying the lands you’ll be living & eating on, this class of 15 students will be provided the freedom to explore and determine the structure of our food producing landscape for the community to come.

Loaded with exercises and lectures in an overall design project across an acre of land, on our 18 hectare expanse, students will be given a wide variety of ways to absorb the principles and concepts we have to teach of Permaculture design. It is our utmost desire to ensure that when a student leaves our school it is not with just a slip of paper and a stamp, but more importantly with ingrained second nature knowledge.
Classes will be held in English and Spanish, so any and all bilingual students in these languages are encouraged to apply. 

 A small portion of the students will be local farmers from the villages of Llupa and Unchus nearby as we feel it’s essential to share this knowledge locally as well as globally and provide a venue for the intermingling of as many cultures as possible in this environment of learning.

Tuition for the course is S/.1,000 ($400 USD, 300, or £240) which covers the lessons, housing, and 3 daily meals for the 10 days. Living standards include a bed in a dormitory style home complete with down comforters, a shared bath with hot water, and cubby to store your things.

 Meals are prepared by a professional cook with food harvested in our first field and from the local market place.

 All special dietary needs are catered to with the greatest of care and attention to specifics. Rooms are also cleaned, linens changed, etc. on a regular basis by staff to ensure a warm presence of home without you having to work after a hard day’s work. It also is very good for the local village’s economy.

To apply, please respond to the email below no later than Thursday, Nov. 15 in order to save your space as this class may fill up quickly. There will be no cancelations with refund after this date.

Contact: sublimart(@)
More information

Helder Valente is born in the rural north Portugal and into a family of sustainable living farmers. So already as a child he was fascinated by the beauty of nature and learning how elements relate and interact. 

In the late 90`s he was introduced to permaculture while participating in the development of a community center near the Sintra mountains. And since then he has studied and practiced sustainable designs for a variety of environments, both urban and rural. 
Some of his teachers has been Bill Mollison, Geoff Lawton, Rosemary Morrow, Darren Douherty and Sepp Holzer. 

Recently Helder lived two years in southern Portugal taking part in the development of Vale de Lama Permaculture Institute and at the same time doing his permaculture diploma with the british permaculture association. 

Currently he is traveling in different countries sharing his passion for permaculture and the shift our humanity can take to thrive and live in balance with nature. 
Helder resonates well with a diversity of participants and landscapes. 
And his teaching style is authentic, informative and creative.

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