Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
Madeira Island - Portugal
Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

PDC Permaculture Design Course in Paradise Island Spain August 2017

New School Permaculture PDC
Permaculture Design Course
 Tenerife Island - Spain 

Course taught by Helder Valente and

the New School Permaculture  Team.

This course will be at a New School Permaculture designed farm.
Where you can see the  Atlantis food forest garden concept in practice,

To see what we grow click HERE
To join us on Facebook click HERE

This course will be in the beautiful subtropical island of Tenerife.

This island has amazing microclimates, you can find plants from cold climates like chestnuts or rhubarb with tropical fruits like mangoes or pineaples all growing verry toguether.

What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a sustainable design system that provides for human needs while having positive effects on the surrounding environment.

 It is based on the ethics of earth care, people care and fair share, and provides practical solutions to the global crises we are currently facing.

Helder studied and worked with pioneers like Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton in Turkey, Doug Bullock in the Amazon, Rosemary Morrow in Austria, Graham Bell in Scotland, Darren dougherty, Ernst Gotcsh, Sepp Holzer in Portugal and many others in countries like Haiti, Canada, Egipt, Finland, Peru, always learning and practicing this sustainable design methods.

While living in the city he dedicated 5 years on developing urban permaculture projects and for the last 5 years traveling and developing permaculture institutes around the world. 

 It all started in 2009 teaching permaculture to students at the agriculture university and since then learning and teaching in many different climates and getting to know the old ways and new ways of sharing information.

 By December 2012 in the Peruvian Amazon working in support to the shipibo indigenous communities Helder created the New School Permaculture and  is now developing alternative educational methods.

In 2013 the New School has been presenting at the IPC International Permaculture congress in Cuba

The New School Permaculture uses creative and inspiring educational tools that enable the students to empower each other in a way that many people have never experienced in their lives before.

To see testimonials from our students
click HERE

The course is presented by creative non formal education methods, that are based on creating a bridge between the right and left side of the brain, so that the analytical and creative abilities of the students get fully stimulated and get the most out of the experience...for many people is the most empowering and inspiring transformative process of their lives...and they carry this with them every were they go....and thats our goal.

To see what grows in the region
click HERE

The subjects covered during this Permaculture Design Course include:

The ethics and principles of Permaculture
Learning strategies

Educational Methods
 Reading the landscape 
Pattern in design
Water preservation
Forests and trees
Soils building
Buildings and natural construction
Alternative economies
Community development

To know more about the content of the course you can check our videos on you tube

Event is also on facebook

There will be some early bird discounts for people that sign up in advance


To make your registration click the next picture

Leave your questions or comments and subscribe.

Hope to see you with us on this adventure

En castellano

El curso sigue un plan de estudios conjunto y conduce al Certificado en Diseño de Permacultura internacionalmente reconocido.
Facilitado por Helder Valente y amigos de la Permacultura New School.
Helder estudió y trabajó con pioneros como Bill Mollison, Sepp Holzer, Doug Bullock, Rosemary Morrow, Darren dougherty, Ernst Gotsh y otros, y ahora enseña en todo el mundo.
Se inició en 2009 con la enseñanza de la permacultura a estudiantes en la Universidad Agrícola y desde entonces continúa el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en muchos climas diferentes.
Mientras vivía en la ciudad dedicó 3 años al desarrollo de un proyecto de permacultura urbana en el centro de Lisboa y co-creó el Instituto de Permacultura Portugués.
Así es como empezó todo.
Helder nunca se detuvo y estos últimos meses pasó su tiempo de trabajo con los agricultores quechuas en los Andes, el diseño de proyectos en la selva amazónica y ecoaldeas como Findhorn.
Muy recientemente, fue uno de los presentadores en el IPC Convergencia Internacional de Permacultura en La Habana Cuba
En esta oportunidad, el PDCse celebra en la hermosa isla subtropical de Tenerife (Islas Canarias – España), que cuenta con una variedad increíble de microclimas.
Los temas tratados durante este Curso de Diseño de Permacultura incluyen:
Ética y principios de la Permacultura
Estrategias de aprendizaje
El concepto de “Patrones” en el diseño
Conservación del agua
Producción de alimentos
Los bosques y los árboles
Contrucción de suelo
Edificios y construcciones naturales
Economías alternativas
Desarrollo comunitario

Los primeros tres días de este curso se pueden reservar como Curso Introductorio de Permacultura, o puede permanecer para el curso completo PDC.
INFO Contacto:

Curso de introdução a permacultura social

Curso de Introdução à Permacultura Social 
com Helder Valente no Porto

[English Below ...]

Nasce uma ideia! Temos tecnologia, temos recursos, temos o "know-how", até temos a equipa ... Vamos em frente pois temos também a motivação, é o momento!

Mesmo assim, grande parte destes sonhos não floresce, não frutifica e acaba por ficar esquecido numa gaveta da memória, muitas vezes com a etiqueta "frustação".

Acumulando anos de experiência em vivências comunitárias, arranque de projectos, comunidades, visitando, vivendo, partilhando, sobretudo em permacultura, fomos percebendo a maior limitação: o factor humano, emocional e suas complexas relações sociais como chaves para a aprendizagem, mudança e capacidade de materialização de sonhos colectivos!

Nesta proposta oferecemos um fim de semana intensivo que incluí:

A mente na visão Budista
Resolução de Conflitos
Gestão de Projeto
Tomas de Decisão
Comunicação não Violenta
Educação Criativa
Dinâmicas de Grupo
Dragon Dreaming

FORMADORES: Helder Valente 



An idea is born! We have technology, resources, we have the "know-how", we have even the team... Let's go, as we have also the motivation, the time is now!

Despite this, great number of dreams do not flourish, fructify and ends up in a memory drawer under the label "frustation".

Many years of experience starting up projects and communities, living, visiting, integrating, sharing, mostly in permaculture, brought the understanding of the biggest limitation: the human factor, emotional, and its complex social relations, as keys to learn, change and empower for the materialization of colective dreams!

In this proposal we offer an intensive weekend that includes:

The mind in the Buddhist Vision
Conflit Resolution
Project Management
Decision Making
Positive Communication
Criative Education
Group Dynamics
Dragon Dreaming
Power of celebration
Alternative economies

Facilitators: Helder Valente 

Entreviews to Helder Valente - Permaculture in Portugal and Europe

TV Videos of Helder Valente

TV Italia HERE 2015
Spanish national TVE HERE 2014
Video at IPC Cuba HERE 2013
Portuguese RDP HERE 2013
Spanish national TVE HERE 2013
Reportagem da SIC HERE 2012
Biosfera da RTP HERE 2011
Biosfera da RTP HERE 2010
Biosfera da RTP HERE 2009

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PDC Permaculture Design Course in Portugal

New School Permaculture PDC
Permaculture Design Course
 Douro River - Porto - Portugal
31 Oct to 9 Nov 2017

Course taught by Helder Valente and

the New School Permaculture  Team.

Have you ever asked yourself this questions? 

How can i get more connected with nature and understand how it works?
In what way can i save energy on everything i do?
How can i recover and redesign areas or objects in a way that they become more ecological and nature friendly?
How can i live a more healthy life without having to buy so many chemical products?
How can i develop or be part of a network of people that is inspired to be of positive change to this world?

Did you ever found your self having this ideas?
I want to develop design skills and find a new way of thinking.
I want to support other people to find a way to live a low impact lifestyle  
I would like to be living connected with nature working the same way it works.
I see myself living with a community that works toguether.
I want to recover an old farm and live with what it can produce.

On this course we will answer these questions and will support  these ideas

Thic course will be on a more than 40Ha Porto wine farm on the margins of the Douro River.

On this course we will cover the same topics covered on the conventional PDC with an extra atention on how to keep vineyars with the permaculture way of thinking.

What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a sustainable design system that provides for human needs while having positive effects on the surrounding environment.

 It is based on the ethics of earth care, people care and fair share, and provides practical solutions to the global crises we are currently facing.

To know more about what we do on the PDC click HERE

Helder studied and worked with pioneers like Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton in Turkey, Doug Bullock in the Amazon, Rosemary Morrow in Austria, Graham Bell in Scotland, Darren dougherty, Ernst Gotcsh, Sepp Holzer in Portugal and many others in countries like Haiti, Canada, Egipt, Finland, Peru, always learning and practicing this sustainable design methods.

While living in the city he dedicated 5 years on developing urban permaculture projects and for the last 5 years traveling and developing permaculture institutes around the world. 

 It all started in 2009 teaching permaculture to students at the agriculture university and since then learning and teaching in many different climates and getting to know the old ways and new ways of sharing information.

 By December 2012 in the Peruvian Amazon working in support to the shipibo indigenous communities Helder created the New School Permaculture and  is now developing alternative educational methods.

In 2013 the New School has been presenting at the IPC International Permaculture congress in Cuba

The New School Permaculture uses creative and inspiring educational tools that enable the students to empower each other in a way that many people have never experienced in their lives before.

To see testimonials from our students
click HERE

The course is presented by creative non formal education methods, that are based on creating a bridge between the right and left side of the brain, so that the analytical and creative abilities of the students get fully stimulated and get the most out of the experience...for many people is the most empowering and inspiring transformative process of their lives...and they carry this with them every were they go....and thats our goal.

The subjects covered during this Permaculture Design Course include:

The ethics and principles of Permaculture
Learning strategies

Educational Methods
 Reading the landscape 
Pattern in design
Water preservation
Forests and trees
Soils building
Buildings and natural construction
Alternative economies
Community development


If you want to be part of this course fill up the registration form

For facebook event click HERE

Like us on Facebook click HERE 

There will be some early bird discounts for people that sign up in advance


Leave your questions or comments and subscribe.

Hope to see you with us on this adventure


En castellano

El curso sigue un plan de estudios conjunto y conduce al Certificado en Diseño de Permacultura internacionalmente reconocido.
Facilitado por Helder Valente y amigos de la Permacultura New School.
Helder estudió y trabajó con pioneros como Bill Mollison, Sepp Holzer, Doug Bullock, Rosemary Morrow, Darren dougherty, Ernst Gotsh y otros, y ahora enseña en todo el mundo.
Se inició en 2009 con la enseñanza de la permacultura a estudiantes en la Universidad Agrícola y desde entonces continúa el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en muchos climas diferentes.
Mientras vivía en la ciudad dedicó 3 años al desarrollo de un proyecto de permacultura urbana en el centro de Lisboa y co-creó el Instituto de Permacultura Portugués.
Así es como empezó todo.
Helder nunca se detuvo y estos últimos meses pasó su tiempo de trabajo con los agricultores quechuas en los Andes, el diseño de proyectos en la selva amazónica y ecoaldeas como Findhorn.
Muy recientemente, fue uno de los presentadores en el IPC Convergencia Internacional de Permacultura en La Habana Cuba
En esta oportunidad, el PDCse celebra en la hermosa isla subtropical de Tenerife (Islas Canarias – España), que cuenta con una variedad increíble de microclimas.
Los temas tratados durante este Curso de Diseño de Permacultura incluyen:
Ética y principios de la Permacultura
Estrategias de aprendizaje
El concepto de “Patrones” en el diseño
Conservación del agua
Producción de alimentos
Los bosques y los árboles
Contrucción de suelo
Edificios y construcciones naturales
Economías alternativas
Desarrollo comunitario

Los primeros tres días de este curso se pueden reservar como Curso Introductorio de Permacultura, o puede permanecer para el curso completo PDC.
INFO Contacto:

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Permaculture is to create paradise on earth starting at the kitchen garden

Fundraise with we the trees

Fundraise with we the trees
Be part of CSE Comunity Supported Education

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