Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
Madeira Island - Portugal
Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Bill Mollison Permaculture Design Course


Bill Mollison Permaculture Lecture Series, On-Line
Note: NetWorks Productions Inc. holds the copyrights to this on-line series. . 

What is Permaculture?

Who is Bill Mollison?

These videos are documents from two design courses taught by Bill Mollison at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose Texas in 1994 and 1995. They are a definitive selection from our original 16 part series. These tapes bear many viewings and will benefit anyone who wants to learn how to help regenerate the earth - from back yard to bio-region. Teachers of permaculture have found these tapes to be a valuable coaching tool - edited to one hour.

You can watch them online by following the View Online links below or follow the Download link and then click the Download button on the resulting page to save a copy to your computer.
The Function Of DesignView Video Online
This is an opening lecture. The principles of functional design for sustainability are unique to Permaculture design.Download video   (154 MB)
Fundamentals Of PatternView Video Online
From a singular event all other events are set in motion in recognizable and predictable patterns This pattern recognition is the core of design in Permaculture.
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Pattern ApplicationView Video Online
Efficiency of energy, resources, and time, and the creation of highly productive systems are the results of good Permaculture design. The methods are obvious once we have become co-creative with the forces of nature.
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Home GardeningView Video Online
Find out why it is so important to grow your own food and how to install the easiest, and highly productive, home food propagation systems; mulch garden, potato box, herb's spiral, and more. You don't need much space. These are basic Permacultural techniques.
Download part 1    Download part 2 (~151 MB total)
Trees 1View Video Online
The tree is life - profound, magnificent, and mysterious. To learn what little we can know of trees is sufficient to leave one awestruck and reverent.Download video   (155 MB)
Trees 2View Video Online
Why is a tree green? Where does a tree end or begin? Why have all human societies destroyed the tree? A Mollison rave.
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Farmer's TreesView Video Online
These are very specific trees which are used around the world for their ability to improve
soils. They are invaluable in range for livestock, as well as in fields under cultivation.
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Forests And WoodlandsView Video Online
Methods to plant, sustain, and best utilize woodland and wood for fuel, forage, windbreak and construction.
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Pasture And Range RestorationView Video Online
What is cultura promiscua? To maintain functional bio-diversity is a basic tenet of Permaculture. Severely degraded land can be easily restored to highly productive land by using good observation techniques, plants and animals in succession, and common sense.
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Soil ConditioningView Video Online
... a continuation of #10. Two main techniques: the chisel-plow, and the wonders of worms and how to cultivate them. The patterns described in these two videos can be replicated in any type of Permaculture system, and scaled to any size.
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WaterView Video Online
...a continuation of the Trees video. Potable water - where does it come from? How did it get there? What has become of it? What we can do to ensure that we will have safe water to drink, and to conserve as much of this precious material as possible.Download video   (157 MB)
Once one has learned to harvest water, then the real fun begins with production of the myriad of foods and marketable commodities hosted by ponds and other water-rich environments.
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Planting In DrylandsView Video Online
There are a multitude of ways to harvest, conserve, and utilize water. These strategies apply to coastal regions or islands with with zero precipitation, arid lands, as well as to areas with plentiful seasonal rainfall.
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Drylands 1View Video Online
As desert is rapidly claiming vast areas of our planet, millions are on the verge of starvation. Yet, crops which occur naturally in arid land can provide all necessary nutrition for people and animals. The strategies discussed arise from years of observation in the deserts of Australia and from the peoples of Kalahari.
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Drylands 2View Video Online
... continuation of Drylands 1. Never, never irrigate the desert. The devastation caused by irrigation of arid land is irreparable. But there are alternatives: methods to set up a drought proof system. This is serious Permaculture!
Download video   (163 MB)

Working at Ground LevelView Video Online
A documentary on the permaculture work done in Ecuador by the Rainforest Information Center, Centro de Investigatión de los Bosques Tropicales.Download video   (68 MB)

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