Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
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Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

New School Permaculture sponsoring children in africa affected by ebola virus

The New School Permaculture is helping  sponsor
the education of children affected by the ebola virus in Sierra Leone  

 Become part of our Community Supported Education program and help giving a future for this children. We are developing this project in support of Laura Petkute and Mohamed Papa Bangur
and their non formal organization Access to education Sierra Leone

2 years ago Access to education Sierra Leone sent first payments for the school fees of children and now 15 children have finished this time and we want to raise more funds to pay for school fees for them to continue education
For one year in school it is about 40 pounds which is around 45 euros. With this money a child receives uniform, school materials and a scholarship payment to the school...

If you would like to support our Community Supported Education program and help this children please make your donation to:

 Aminata Sesay, age 12

Aminata Sesay lost his father a year befor the Ebola outbreak her mother was taking care of four of them , her mother was infected during the Ebola and died their step mother is an old woman that is now looking after them and could not aford to send them to school since the death of their mother in 2014

 Present Sponsorship will end soon 
For Aminata Sesay

 Ibriham Kanu age 9 year

Ibriham Kanu class 4, lost his Dad during the Ebola virus and his mum is poor and can not aford to send Ibriham and his brothers to school and decided to send Ibriham to his grandmother , Ibriham grandma can not send Ibriham to school as well and later approach me and explained the story to me I made follow up and I see the reality of the story , Ibriham was send back to school by Access to Education for young people in Sierra Leone last year and he is doing very well in school

 Sponsorship will end soon   
For Ibriham Kanu

 Aminata Bundu Kamara, age 15

Aminata Bundu Kamara ' s Parents were the first to contacted the virus and died in the Masuba section , Aminata Mum was a palm wine seller while her father was a carpenter who does wood work , they contacted the virus after caring for a nurse woman who contacted the virus in Bo and came to makeni , a week later after the nurse woman left for her home town Aminata ' s father fall sick and died after two weeks a week later her Mum fall sick and died after 3 days , that was in September 2014 , four of Aminata family died including Mother , father Auntie and one uncle but grandma survive but she is an old and poor woman who can not even put food on table

Sponsorship will end soon  
For   Aminata Bundu Kamara

 Kadiatu Sesay, younger sister of Aminata Sesay, age 8

Sponsorship will end soon   
For  Kadiatu Sesay

  Michael Fornah, 8 years old

Michael Fornah is in class 3 now , he lost both parent during the Ebola , it was his dad who first contact the virus and his mother was taking caring of his Dad , a week later after the death of his dad Michael became sick and his mother took him to Government hospital it was in October 2014 they were kept there for two weeks and later confirm that both Michael and his mum have been infected with the virus , on the way to Kailahun in the Eastern part of Sierra Leone were the only treatment center was, his mother died on the way , of which no one knows where she was buried

Michael was taken to the treatment center were he spent 4 weeks without his mum and Dad , after the four weeks he was brought to makeni and handed him over to his aunt after two weeks Michael started vomiting again and he was taken again to the hospital where he spent another 21 days after he get better he was brought back home to his aunt , his aunt is also a poor widow who lost his husband 5 years ago she can not aford to send her own children and Michael

In 2015 Michael became one of the first benefic beneficiaries to be send to school by Access to Education and he is now doing well in school he is in class 3 

Michael Fornah was
 and will continue in school


If you would like to support our Community Supported Education program and help this children please make your donation to:

If you want to donate direct to  Laura Petkute and Mohamed Papa Bangur
and their non formal organization Access to education Sierra Leone
you can do it here

Here is a video about the work that has been developed on in sierra leone check this video


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