Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
Madeira Island - Portugal
Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

Atlantis Food Forests - Seeds and plants ( List with pictures)

(Page still under construction)

For page without pictures click HERE

Beans click HERE
Fruit seeds click HERE
Edible Roots click HERE
Edible Flowers click HERE
Leaf Vegetables click HERE  
Table and wine grapes click HERE
Natural Medicines click HERE
Complete seeds list click HERE 
Tools and gadgets click HERE 
Books click HERE

Informations contact

Beans and leguminous 
To know more about
 beans click HERE

Vicia faba
Red epicure - Chestnut fava
Red colour Seeds

Vicia faba
Karmazyn broad fava bean             
Pink colour seeds

Vicia faba
Purple Broad fava bean
Purple colour seeds                  


Vicia faba
Black colour seeds

Vicia faba
 Early variety broad fava bean
Produces big seeds in 90 days

Vicia faba
 Crimson flowered  broad fava bean

Red colour flowerd

Pisum sativum
 Purple peas - Mangetout Shiraz peas
Eat pods, flowers or peas

Pisum sativum
Yellow peas 
 Mangetout  golden peas          
Eat pods, flowers or peas

Pisum sativum
 Victorian colossal climbing pea          
Worlds Tallest - Massive crop

Pisum sativum
 Giant snow pea 
Largest pods

Lathyrus Odoratus
 Blue royal
Sweet peas          

Lathyrus Odoratus
 Night and day
Sweet peas

Lathyrus Odoratus
Sweet peas

Lathyrus Odoratus
 Red ensign
Sweet peas

Lathyrus Odoratus
Sweet peas

Lathyrus sativus
 Blue sweet pea -  Indian peas
Uncommon blue flower plant

Clitoria ternatea
 Blue butterfly pea -  Clitoris flower
Uncommon blue flower plant

Chorizema cordatum
 Australian flame pea - heart leaf flame pea

Kennedia nigricans
 Black Coral Pea
Unique flower

Psophocarpus pea
 Winged pea - Asparagus pea
Gourmet flavour

Vigna unquiculata sesquipedalis
 Snake bean - Asparagus bean - Chinese long bean
White, green, red or tiger

Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
 Winged bean - Goa bean
Purple or green

Lab lab purpureus
 Lab lab bean - African bean

Purple or green

Phaseolus vulgaris
Black and white asian bean
Rare seeds

Canavalia ensiformis
Jack bean feijão-de-porco
Worlds largest bean

Trifolium rubens
Red Clover

Uncommon seeds

Trifolium incarnatum
Crimson clover 

Uncommon seeds

Edible Flowers

Erythronium americanum
Yellow trout lily yellow dogtooth violet
Perennial          WIKIPEDIA 

Salad leafs

Claytonia perfoliata 

Indian lettuce - winter purslane

Edible Roots

Allium cepa proliferum
Tree onion - Walking Egyptian onions
Self Seeds Perennial  WIKIPEDIA 

Allium cepa aggregatum
Potato onion - Multiplier onion

Allium cepa 
Scallions - Spring onions 

Allium tuberosum
Garlic chives - Asian chives

Tulbaghia violacea
Thai garlic - Society garlic

Allium ampeloprasum
Wild leek Broadleaf leek
Self Seeds Perennial

Japanese artichoke- knotroot

 Helianthus tuberosus
Jerusalem artichoke

Camassia leichtlinii
 great camas - large camas

Camassia Quamash

Apios americana
 Potato bean - American groundnut
Leguminous Perennial


Glycyrrhiza glabra
 Licorice - Regaliz - Alcaçus
Leguminous Perennial

Beans click HERE
Fruit seeds click HERE
Edible Roots click HERE
Edible Flowers click HERE
Leaf Vegetables click HERE  
Table and wine grapes click HERE
Natural Medicines click HERE
Complete seeds list click HERE 
Tools and gadgets click HERE 
Books click HERE

Informations contact

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