Permaculture Design Course

Permaculture Design Course
Madeira Island - Portugal
Permaculture is to live in harmony with nature providing for human needs and the needs of everything around us

The truth about the misterious pluots

Pluots and other hybrids list. 
Rankings and myth busters

In Memory of Zaiger

A lot of us get passionate about growing this modern fruits, pluots, pluerries, apriums, peachcotums, apriums, and other funky names that can be a bit overwelming.
Are there other interspecific fruits out there?

To know more about the history of this fruits  CLICK HERE

But what are the best ones? Share your rankings.
What are their growing zones and what are the best polinators?

There are interesting and European varieties but are they worth it compared with regular cultivars?

Lets make a list of all of them, american and europeans and try to organize them…(help me out.).

PLUOTS 70%-30% Plum-Apricot

Amigo 1_____________700 chill hrs
Amigo 2_____________800 chill hrs
Black kat_____________1000 chill hrs
Black Satin
Biricoccolo gigante di budrio
Biricoccolo bolognese
Biricoccolo vesuviano

Candy stripe_____________800 chill hrs
Coparose_____________600 chill hrs
Cerny barchat
Crimson heart_____________700 chill hrs
Crimson rose _____________800 chill hrs
Crimson royale _____________800 chill hrs
Cierna marhula
Dapple dandy_____________500 chill hrs            Off Ptt
Dapple fire _____________700 chill hrs
Dapple jack _____________600 chill hrs
Dapple supreme _____________300 chill hrs
Dinosaur Brand
Early Dapple _____________700 chill hrs
Ebony Rose_____________600 chill hrs
Emerald drop / Gem _______700 chill hrs            On Ptt
Fall fiesta _____________800 chill hrs
Festival red_____________600 chill hrs
Flavor Ann
Flavor Blast_____________700 chill hrs
Flavor Candy
Flavor Fall                                                               On Ptt
Flavor Finale
Flavor fusion _____________650 chill hrs
Flavor Gem
Flavor Grenade_____________650 chill hrs          On Ptt
Flavor Heart_____________800 chill hrs               On Ptt
Flavor Jewel_____________850 chill hrs               
Flavor King_____________500 chill hrs                Off Ptt
Flavor Prince
Flavor Penguin
Flavor Queen_____________400 chill hrs             Off Ptt
Flavor Rich_____________800 chill hrs                Off Ptt
Flavor Royal _____________500 chill hrs
Flavor Rouge _____________500 chill hrs
Flavor Supreme_____________700 chill hrs          Off Ptt
Flavorfall _____________800 chill hrs
Flavorite _____________700 chill hrs
Flavorosa____________500 chill hrs Zone 6-10
Flavorich____________800 chill hrs
Gypsee _____________900 chill hrs
Honey Rich
Honey punch _____________800 chill hrs
King kong
Leah Cot
Marcia Flavor
Mesch mesch amra

Purple candy
Pink candy

Plum parfait
Queen Elizabeth
Raspberry Jewel
Red Ray
Ruby cat _____________800 chill hrs
Spring flavor _____________500 chill hrs
Summer Delight
Sunset delight _____________800 chill hrs
Tasty Rich

PLUMCOT - 50%-50% Plum-Apricot

Bella Sun _____________700 chill hrs
Emerald Beauty
Flavourella _____________600 chill hrs              Off Ptt
Flavor Delight
Geo pride                                                                On Ptt
Spring Satin_____________Zone 6 300 chill hrs

Plum parfait

Candy heart_____________250 chill hrs
Fruit Punch
Flavor Punch_____________300 chill hrs
Purple Sprite
Sweet heart_____________250 chill hrs
Sweet treat
Sugar twist
White sprite
Brave Heart

Autumn sprite_____________800 chill hrs
Black velvet
Black Pirate

Bella Jewell
Bella Zee
Bella Sweet
Bella Rose_____________750 chill hrs
Betty Cot_____________750 chill hrs
Cot n candy_____________300 chill hrs
Coral Cot_____________600 chill hrs
Countrycot _____________350 chill hrsEscort
Escort _____________800 chill hrs
Flavor Delight_____________300 chill hrs            Off Ptt
Hermosa_____________800 chill hrs
Honey Rich_____________400 chill hrs
Huntington_____________750 chill hrs
Kylese-Cot_____________450 chill hrs
Late Brittney_____________900 chill hrs
Leah Cot_____________800 chill hrs
Macy Cot_____________150 chill hrs
Purple Rose
Ruby Velvet
Tasty Rich_____________700 chill hrs
Trinidad_____________300 chill hrs
Summer delight
Wescot_____________650 chill hrs
Weston_____________900 chill hrs


Tri lite_____________300 chill hrs Zone 6    Off Ptt





Spice zee_____________300 chill hrs Zone 6

Dapple Fire

Bella Royale
Bella Gold____________500 chill hrs Zone 5-9
Bella Cerise



Burgundy, Santa Rosa, Satsuma, amigo1, flavorosa, toka, Flavor grenade

Help me add the ones that are missing on the list
Share your thoughts what is the top 10 of the ones you tried?

Are interspecific hybrids a big marketing plan or are they the real deal?Pluots and other hybrids list. Rankings and myth busters

To know more about the history of this fruits click HERE 

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